Thursday, September 11, 2008

Take it to the limit

All alone at the end of the of the evening
And the bright lights have faded to blue
I was thinking 'bout a woman who might have
Loved me and I never knew
You know I've always been a dreamer
(spent my life running 'round)
And it's so hard to change
(Can't seem to settle down)
But the dreams I've seen lately
Keep on turning out and burning out
And turning out the same

So put me on a highway
And show me a sign
And take it to the limit one more time

You can spend all your time making money
You can spend all your love making time
If it all fell to pieces tomorrow
Would you still be mine?

And when you're looking for your freedom
(Nobody seems to care)
And you can't find the door
(Can't find it anywhere)
When there's nothing to believe in
Still you're coming back, you're running back
You're coming back for more

So put me on a highway
And show me a sign
And take it to the limit one more time

Take it to the limit
Take it to the limit
Take it to the limit one more time
-- Eagles

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Time, why you punish me?
Like a wave bashing into the shore
You wash away my dreams.

Time, why you walk away?
Like a friend with somewhere to go
You left me crying

Can you teach me about tomorrow
And all the pain and sorrow
Running free?
'Cause tomorrow's just another day
And I don't believe in time

Time, I don't understand
Children killing in the street
Dying for the color of red
Time, hey there red and blue
Wash them in the ocean, make them clean,
Maybe their mothers won't cry tonight

Can you teach me about tomorrow
All the pain and sorrow
Running free?
But tomorrow's just another day
And I don't believe in...


Time is wasting
Time is walking
You ain't no friend of mine
I don't know where i'm goin'
I think I'm out of my mind
Thinking about time

And if I die tomorrow, yeah
Just lay me down in sleep


Time, you left me standing there
Like a tree growing all alone
The wind just stripped me bare, stripped me bare
Time, the past has come and gone
The future's far away
Now only lasts for one second, one second
Can you teach me about tomorrow
And all the pain and sorrow
Running free?
'Cause tomorrow's just another day
And I don't believe in time


Time, why you punish me?
-- Hootie and The Blowfish

जब भी आती हैं तेरी याद

जब भी आती है तेरी याद कभी शाम के बाद
और बढ़ जाती है अफसुर्दा-दिली शाम के बाद

अब इरादों पे भरोसा है न तौबा पे यकीन
मुझ को ले जाए कहाँ तश्ना-लाबी शाम के बाद

यूँ तो हर लम्हा तेरी याद का बोझल गुजरा
दिल को महसूस हुई तेरी कमी शाम के बाद

यूँ तो कुछ शाम से पहले भी उदासी थी अदीब
अब तो कुछ और बढ़ी दिल की लगी शाम के बाद

-- क्रीशान अदीब

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

शेंदुर लाल चढायो

शेंदुर लाल चढायो अच्छा गजमुखको|| दोंदिल लाल बिराजे सूत गौरीहरको ||
हाथ लिए गुडलड्डू साईं सुरवरको || महिमा कहे ना जाय लागत हूँ पदको || 1 ||
जय जय श्री गणराज विध्यासुख्दाता|| धन्य तुमारा दर्शन मेरा मन रमता||

अष्तो सिद्धि दासी संकटको बैरी|| विघ्नविनाशन मंगल मूरत अधिकारी||
कोटि सूरजप्रकाश ऐसी छबि तेरी|| गंडस्थल मद्मस्तक झूले शशिहारी|| 2 ||
जय जय श्री गणराज विध्यासुख्दाता|| धन्य तुमारा दर्शन मेरा मन रमता||

भावभागत से कोई शरणागत आवे|| संतत संतत सभी भरपूर पावे||
ऐसे तुम महाराज मोको अति भावे|| गोसावीनंदन निशिदिन गुण गावे|| 3 ||
जय जय श्री गणराज विध्यासुख्दाता|| धन्य तुमारा दर्शन मेरा मन रमता||

Monday, September 1, 2008

वाटेवर काटे वेचीत

वाटेवर काटे वेचीत चाललो
वाटले जसा फुलाफुलात चाललो

मिसळुनी मेळ्यात कधी, एक हात धरूनि कधी
आपुलीच साथ कधी करित चाललो

आधिचा प्रसाद घेत, पुढची ऐकीत साद
नादातच शीळ वाजवीत चाललो

चुकली तालात चाल, लागला जिवास बोल
ढळलेला तोल सावरीत चाललो

खांद्यावर बाळगिले, ओझे सुखदुःखाचे
फेकुन देऊन अता परत चाललो
-- कवि अनिल

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

कधी कुठे न भेटणार

कधि कुठे न भेटणार
कधि न काहि बोलणार
कधि कधि न अक्षरात
मन माझे ओवणार

निखळे कधि अश्रू एक
ज्यात तुझे बिंब दिसे
निखळे निःश्वास एक
ज्यात तुझी याद असे

पण तिथेच ते तिथेच
मिटुनि ओठ संपणार
व्रत कठोर हे असेच
हे असेच चालणार
-- इंदिरा संत

Monday, August 25, 2008


ब्रह्मानंदम् परमसुखदम् केवलम् ञानमूर्तीम्
द्वंदातीतम् गगनसदॄषम् तत्व मस्यादीलक्षम्।

एकम् नित्यम् विमलमचलम् सर्वधिसाक्षी भूतम्
भावातीतम् त्रिगुणरहितम् सद्गुरुंतम् नमामि॥

धूम मची हर नभ में फूटे रस की फुहारे
अनहद के आँगन में नाचे चँदा सितारे

अबीर गुलाल के बादल गरजे फागुन सेज सजाए
दूर अधर बिजली यूँ कौंधे रंग दियो छिड़काए

रास रंग मदिरा से बरसे प्रेम अगन सुलगाए
चहक उठे सब डाल पात सब एक ही रंग समाए|
-- संजीव शर्मा

Saturday, August 23, 2008

जेव्हा तिची नि माझी

जेव्हा तिची नि माझी चोरून भेट झाली
झाली फुले कळ्यांची, झाडे भरास आली

दूरातल्या दिव्यांचे मणिहार मांडलेले
पाण्यात चांदण्यांचे आभाळ सांडलेले
कैफात काजव्यांची अन्‌ पालखी निघाली

केसांतल्या जुईचा तिमिरास गंध होता
श्वासातल्या लयीचा आवेग अंध होता
वेड्या समर्पणाची वेडी मिठी मिळाली

नव्हतेच शब्द तेव्हा, मौनात अर्थ सारे
स्पर्शात चंद्र होता, स्पर्शात लाख तारे
ओथंबला फुलांनी अवकाश भोवताली
-- मंगेश पाडगावकर

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can't get close enough

How many tears must we cry before learning,
Things that we have they're for real and we're losing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.

Why do you believe that we've got something coming,
You took it all, left me standing here with nothing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away,
Too fae away.

In your world you must be dreaming, if you think you can survive,
Taking all and giving nothing that's a crime.
What makes you something special, what about me, I'm here too,
You don't care what I'm feeling and that's the truth.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.

All I need is understanding and the right to survive,
Only you could see the warnings, and pass them by.
What makes you something special, what about me, I'm here too,
You don't care what I'm feeling and that's the truth.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Too far away.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.

How many tears must we cry before learning,
Things that we had they're for real and we're losing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Too far away, too far away, too far आवे
-- Black Sabbath

Monday, August 18, 2008

आज राणी पूर्वीची

आज राणी, पूर्विची ती प्रीत तू मागू नको
कालचे वेड्या फुलांचे, रंग तू मागू नको

सांजता चाफ्याकळीचे चुटपुटीचे भेटणे
पानजाळीतून झिरपे, बावरेसे चांदणे
त्या क्षणांचे, चांदण्यांचे स्पर्श तू मागू नको

पाकळ्यांचे शब्द होती, तू हळू निःश्वासता
वाजती गात्री सतारी, नेत्रपाती झाकता
त्या फुलांचे, त्या स्वरांचे, गीत तू मागू नको

रोखूनी पलकांत पाणी, घाव सारे साहीले
अन्‌ सुखाच्या आसवांचे, मीठ डोळा साचले
या घडीला मोतियाचा घास तू मागू नको

काय बोलू श्वासभारे चांदणे डहूळेल का ?
उमलण्याचे सुख फिरुनी, या फुला सोसेल का ?
नीत नवी मरणे मराया, जन्म तू मागू नको

-- वा रा कांत

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rain Rain

Ooh Ooh Ooh
Everywhere I look I see rain. . .

Why am I here if you're there
So far away it's not fair
To be without you - like this

I miss you more than you know
The nights are long, The days slow
Without the warmth of your kiss
Wish you were back here with me
Cause out my window, All I see is

Rain, Rain in the sky
Everywhere I look my eyes see
Rain, rain fallin' down
Crying as it hits the ground
Rain, rain in my heart
Every day that we're apart
Rain, Rain
Falling rain, rain
Only rain, rain

The sun is strong when you're near
But when you're gone it disappears
Behind an ocean of blue
The telephone's not good enough
It can't reach out, it can't touch me
The way that you do
Wish you would knock at my door
Cause only you - can stop the pouring


Maybe I'll go outside
And walk beneath the clouds
Pretend it's you that's watching over me
This isn't the only thing that come's between us now
Baby soon we'll be - together
-- Cher

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cheek to Cheek

Heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

Heaven, I'm in heaven
And the cares that hung around me through the week
Seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek

Oh I love to climb a mountain
And to reach the highest peak
But it doesn't thrill me half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek
Oh I love to go out fishing
In a river or a creek
But I don't enjoy it half as much
As dancing cheek to cheek

Dance with me, I want my arms about you
The charm about you
Will carry me through
To heaven, I'm in heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find the happiness I seek
When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
-- Billie Holiday

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

And...always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the light side of life...

If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing.

And...always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the light side of life...

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.

So always look on the bright side of death
Just before you draw your terminal breath

Life's a piece of shit
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

And always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the right side of life...
(Come on guys, cheer up!)
Always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the bright side of life...
(Worse things happen at sea, you know.)
Always look on the bright side of life...
(I mean - what have you got to lose?)
(You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!)
Always look on the right side of life...

-- Eric Idle

Friday, August 15, 2008

हात तुझा हातातून

हात तुझा हातातुन धुंद ही हवा
रोजचाच चंद्र आज भासतो नवा

रोजचेच हे वारे, रोजचेच तारे
भासते परी नवीन विश्व आज सारे
ही किमया स्पर्शाची भारिते जिवा

या हळव्या पाण्यावर मोहरल्या छाया
मोहरले हृदय तसे मोहरली काया
चांदण्यात थरथरतो मधुर गारवा

जन्म जन्म दुर्मिळ हा क्षण असला येतो
स्वप्नांच्या वाटेने चांदण्यात नेतो
बिलगताच जाईचा उमलतो थवा

क्षणभर मिटले डोळे, सुख न मला साहे
विरघळून चंद्र आज रक्तातुन वाहे
आज फुले प्राणातुन केशरी दिवा
-- मंगेश पाडगावकर

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You're my world

You're my world, you're every breath I take
You're my world, you're every move I make
Other eyes see the stars up in the sky
But for me they shine within your eyes

As the trees reach for the sun above
So my arms reach out to you for love
With your hand resting in mine
I feel a power so divine

You're my world, you are my night and day
You're my world, you're every prayer I pray
If our love ceases to be
That is the end of my world for me

With your hand resting in mine
I feel a power so divine

You're my world, you are my night and day
You're my world, you're every prayer I pray
If our love ceases to be
That is the end of my world for me
End of my world
End of my world
End of my world for me
-- Helen Reddy


May be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay

May be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day

May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell

Who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry

May be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I'll remember till the day I die

May be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in ready years

I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is

She, oh She

-- Elvis Costello
[PS : I love you, Amrita!]

Monday, August 11, 2008

हे राष्ट्र प्रेशितांचे

हे राष्ट्र देवतांचे, हे राष्ट्र प्रेशितांचे
आचंद्रसुर्य नान्दो, स्वात्यंत्र भारताचे

कर्तव्यदक्ष भूमि, सितारुघुत्तामाची
रामायणे घडावी, येथे पराक्रमाची
शीर उंच उंच ह्वावे, हिमवंत पर्वताचे
आचंद्रसुर्य नान्दो, स्वात्यंत्र भारताचे

येथे नको निराशा, थोड्या पराभवाने
पार्थास बोध केला, येथेच मधावाने
हा देश स्तन्य प्याला, गीताख्य अमृताचे
आचंद्रसुर्य नान्दो, स्वात्यंत्र भारताचे

जेथे परंपरांचा सन्मान नित्य आहे
जन शासनातलिचा, पायच सत्य आहे
येथे सदा निनादो जयगीत जाग्रुताचे
आचंद्रसुर्य नान्दो, स्वात्यंत्र भारताचे
-- ग दी माडगुलकर

It's been a long, long time

Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time
Haven't felt like this, my dear
Since I can't remember when
It's been a long, long time

You'll never know how many dreams
I've dreamed about you
Or just how empty they all seemed without you
So kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time

Ah, kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long time
Haven't felt like this my dear
Since I can't remember when
It's been a long, long time

You'll never know how many dreams
I dreamed about you
Or just how empty they all seemed without you
So kiss me once then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time
Long, long time
-- Bing Crosby/Harry James

Me and I

Sometimes when I'm mad
There's a part of me that seems to be a little sad
Sometimes when I scream
There's a voice in me that says, "You shouldn't be so mean"
Oh no, oh no
Part of me is acting while the other stands beside
Yes, I am to myself what Jekyll must have been to Hyde

We're like sun and rainy weather
Sometimes we're a hit together
Me and I
Gloomy moods and inspiration
We're a funny combination
Me and I
I don't think I'm different or in any way unique
Think about yourself for a minute
And you'll find the answer in it
Everyone's a freak

Sometimes I have toyed
With ideas that I got from good old Dr. Freud
Nothing new of course
It may seem to you I try to break through open doors
Oh no, oh no
I just wanna say a lot of that applies to me
'Cause it's an explanation to my split identity

We're like sun and rainy weather
Sometimes we're a hit together
Me and I
Gloomy moods and inspiration
We're a funny combination
Me and I
I don't think I'm different or in any way unique
Think about yourself for a minute
And you'll find the answer in it
Everyone's a freak

Me and I...

We're like sun and rainy weather
Sometimes we're a hit together
Me and I
Gloomy moods and inspiration
We're a funny combination
Me and I
I don't think I'm different or in any way unique
Think about yourself for a minute
And you'll find the answer in it
Everyone's a freak

We're like sun and rainy weather
Sometimes we're a hit together
Me and I
Gloomy moods and inspiration
We're a funny combination
Me and I...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

दिल से तेरी निगाह

दिल से तेरी निगाह जिगर तक उतर गई
दोनों को इक अदा में रजामंद कर गई

शक हो गया है सीना खुसहा लज्ज़त-ऐ-फ़राग
तकलीफ-ऐ-पर्दादारी ऐ ज़ख्म-ऐ-जिगर गई

बादा-ऐ-शबाना की सरमस्तियाँ कहाँ
उठिए बस अब के लज्ज़त-ऐ-ख्वाब-ऐ-सहर गई

फिरे है ख़ाक मेरी कू-ऐ-यार में
बारे अब ये हवा, हवस-ऐ-बाल-ओ-पर गई

तो दिल फरेबी-ऐ-अन्दाज़-ऐ-नक्श-ऐ-पा
मौज-ऐ-खिराम-ऐ-यार भी क्या गुल क़तर गई

हर बुलहवस ने हुस्न परस्ती शिआर की
अब आबरू-ऐ-सहेवा-ऐ-अहल-ऐ-नज़र गई

नजारे ने भी काम किया वां नकाब का
मस्ती से हर निगाह तेरे रुख पर बिखर गई

फर्दा-ओ-दीं का ताफर्रूका यक बार मिट गया
कल तुम गए के हम पे क़यामत गुज़र गई

मारा ज़माने ने 'असदुल्लाह खां" तुम्हें
वो वलवले कहाँ, वो जवानी किधर गई
-- ग़ालिब
[Please suggest a better image for this post]

Saturday, August 9, 2008

एका तळ्यात होती

एका तळ्यात होती, बदके पिले सुरेख
होते कुरुप वेडे, पिल्लू तयात एक

कोणी त्यास घेई, खेळावयास संगे
सर्वाहूनी निराळे ते वेगळे तरंगे
दावूनि बोट त्याला, म्हणती हसून लोक
आहे कुरुप वेडे, पिल्लू तयात एक

पिल्लास दुःख भारी, भोळे रडे स्वतःशी
भावंड ना विचारी, सांगेल ते कुणाशी ?
जे ते तयास टोची, दावी उगाच धाक
आहे कुरुप वेडे, पिल्लू तयात एक

एके दिनी परंतू, पिल्लास त्या कळाले
भय वेड पार त्याचे, वार्यासवे पळाले
पाण्यात पाहताना, चोरुनिया क्षणैक
त्याचेच त्या कळाले, तो राजहंस एक

-- ग दी माडगुलकर

Friday, August 8, 2008

Careless Whispers

Time can never mend the careless whispers of a good friend
To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind
there's no comfort in the truth
pain is all you'll find

Should've known better

I feel so unsure
as I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
as the music dies, something in your eyes
calls to mind the silver screen
and all its sad good-byes

I'm never gonna dance again
guilty feet have got no rhythm
though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
and waste the chance that I've been given
so I'm never gonna dance again
the way I danced with you

Time can never mend
the careless whispers of a good friend
to the heart and mind
ignorance is kind
there's no comfort in the truth
pain is all you'll find

I'm never gonna dance again
guilty feet have got no rhythm
though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
and waste this chance that I've been given
so I'm never gonna dance again
the way I danced with you

Never without your love

Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say

We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But noone's gonna dance with me
Please stay

And I'm never gonna dance again
guilty feet have got no rhythm
though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
and waste the chance that I've been given
so I'm never gonna dance again
the way I danced with you

(Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone
(Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong
that you had to leave me alone
-- George Michael

Thursday, August 7, 2008

ना जी भर के देखा

ना जी भर के देखा ना कुछ बात की
बड़ी आरजू थी मुलाक़ात की...

शब्-ऐ-हिज्र तक ये तशवीश है
मुसाफिर ने जाने कहाँ रात की...

मुक़द्दर मेरी चश्म-ऐ-पुर आब के
बरसती हुई रात बरसात की...

उजालों की परियां नहाने लगें
नदी गुनगुनायी ख़यालात की...

में चुप था तो चलती हवा रुक गई
ज़बान सब समझते हैं जज्बात की...

कई साल से कुछ ख़बर ही नहीं
कहाँ दिन गुज़ारा कहाँ रात की...
-- Don't know

ए अजनबी

हो पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी

ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
मैं यहाँ टुकडों में जी रहा हूँ
मैं यहाँ टुकडों में जी रहा हूँ
तू कहीं तुकडोमे में जीं रही है

ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से

रोज़ रोज़ रेशम सी हवा आते जाते कहती है बता
रेशम सी हवा कहती है बता
वो जो दूध धूलि मासूम कलि
वो है कहाँ कहाँ है
वो रौशनी कहाँ है वो जानसी कहाँ है
मैं अधूरा तू अधूरी जी रहे हैं

पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी
पाखी पाखी परदेसी

ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
मैं यहाँ टुकडों में जी रहा हूँ
मैं यहाँ टुकडों में जी रहा हूँ
तू कहीं तुकडोमे में जीं रही है

तू तो नहीं है लेकिन तेरी मुस्कुराहटें हैं
चेहरा नहीं है पर तेरी आहटें हैं
तू है कहाँ कहाँ है
तेरा निशान कहाँ है
मेरा जहाँ कहाँ है
मैं अधूरा तू अधूरी जी रहे हैं

ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
मैं यहाँ टुकडों में जी रहा हूँ
मैं यहाँ टुकडों में जी रहा हूँ
तू कहीं तुकडोमे में जीं रही है

ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
ए अजनबी तू भी कभी आवाज़ दे कहीं से
-- गुलज़ार

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Only you

Only you
Can do make all this world seem right,

Only you
Can do make the darkness bright,

Only you, and you alone
Can feel me like you do
And do fill my heart with love for only you.

Only you
Can do make all this change in me,

For it's true
You are my destiny.

When you hold my hand, I understand
The magic that you do,

You're my dream come true,
My one and only you.

Only you
Can do make all this change in me,

For it's true
You are my destiny.

When you hold my hand, I understand
The magic that you do,

You're my dream come true,
My one and only you

-- Elvis Presley

Aren't You Glad You're You

do you make the most of your five senses,
Or is your life like Old Mother Hubbard's shelf?
Well, mark this on your slate,
Life is not an empty plate.
That's if you appreciate yourself.

Ev'ry time you're near a rose,
Aren't you glad you've got a nose?
And if the dawn is fresh with dew,
Aren't you glad you're you?

When a meadowlark appears,
Aren't you glad you've got two ears?
And if your heart is singing, too,
Aren't you glad you're you?

You can see a summer sky,
Or touch a friendly hand,
Or taste an apple pie.
Pardon the grammar, but ain't life grand?

And when you wake up each morn,
Aren't you glad that you were born?
Think what you've got the whole day through,
Aren't you glad you're you?
-- Bing Crosby

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

माझे माहेर पंढरी

माझे माहेर पंढरी, आहे भिवरेच्या तीरी

बाप आणि आई, माझी विठठल रखुमाई
माझे माहेर पंढरी ...

पुंडलीक राहे बंधू, त्याची ख्याती काय सांगू
माझे माहेर पंढरी ...

माझी बहीण चंद्रभागा, करीतसे पापभंगा
माझे माहेर पंढरी ...

एका जनार्दनी शरण, करी माहेरची आठवण
माझे माहेर पंढरी ...

-- संत एकनाथ

Monday, August 4, 2008

Naam gum jayega

नाम गुम जायेगा, चेहरा ये बदल जायेगा
मेरी आवाज ही पहचान है , गर याद रहे

वक्त के सितम कम हसीं नही, आज हैं यहाँ कल कही नही
वक्त के परे अगर मिल गए कही, मेरी आवाज ही...

जो गुजर गयी, कल की बात थी, उमर तो नहीं एक रात थी
रात का सिरा अगर फ़िर मिले कही, मेरी आवाज ही...

दिन ढले जहा रात पास हो, जिंदगी की लौ ऊँची कर चलो
याद आए गर कभी जी उदास हो, मेरी आवाज ही...
-- गुलज़ार

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'll be there for you

So no one told you life was going to be this way.
Your job's a joke, you're broke, you're love life's DOA.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.

You're still in bed at ten, the work began at eight.
You've burned your breakfast, so far, things are going great.
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees.

That, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.

No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me.
Seems like you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me.
Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with,
Someone I'll always laugh with, even at my worst, I'm best with you.

It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.

-- The Rembrandts

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Love you to

Each day just goes so fast,
I turn around, it's past,
You don't get time to hang a sign on me.
Love me while you can,
Before I'm a dead old man.
A life-time is so short,
A new one can't be bought,
But what you've got means such a lot to me.
Make love all day long,
Make love singing songs.
Make love all day long,
Make love singing songs.
There's people standing round,
Who'll screw you in the ground,
They'll fill you in with their sins,
You'll see.
I'll make love to you,
If you want me to.
-- The Beatles

Two Suns In The Sunset

in my rear view mirror the sun is going down
sinking behind bridges in the road
and i think of all the good things
that we have left undone
and i suffer premonitions
confirm suspicions
of the holocaust to come
the wire that holds the cork
that keeps the anger in
gives way
and suddenly it's day again
the sun is in the east
even though the day is done
two suns in the sunset
could be the human race is run
like the moment when your brakes lock
and you slide toward the big truck
and stretch the frozen moments with your fear
and you'll never hear their voices
and you'll never see their faces
you have no recourse to the law anymore
and as the windshield melts
my tears evaporate
leaving only charcoal to defend
finally i understand
the feelings of the few
ashes and diamonds
foe and friend
we were all equal in the end
-- Ping Floyd

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fable Of The Rose

Starry night, this is the fable of the rose,
The rose I gave my love,
So young and tender, so in bloom.
Filled with a faint perfume,
Is lying crushed and faded in a room.
Starry night, this is the fable of the rose,
The rose I gave my love,
Beyond all dreams of her caress,
I may as well confess,
She only loved me slightly nonetheless
Yet her smile so strangely taunts me
All the thrill of it haunts me,
And so it goes, the fable of the rose.

-- Frank Sinatra

Many faces

Will it take some time, to release the inner apathy
Enabled inside, and it looks like you're the enemy

Things are never what they seem, can't explain the reasons why
The illusions that we see, the many faces of our lives
When you find it hard to breathe, never keep it all inside
Which one should I be, the many faces of our lives

Irrelevant minds, you become a little more serious
Still passing me by, you should not be, rightly, dear to us
[Chorus x1]

If you feel that the timing is all wrong
Here's the key to remove yourself from harm
Maybe then you will live again, live again

[Chorus x1]

I'm afraid we're in too deep, things are never what they seem
I'm afraid we're just too deep to come out okay
I'm afraid we're just too deep to come out okay
-- Flaw (?)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I let a song go out of my heart

I let a song go out of my heart
It was the sweetest melody
I know I lost heaven
'Cause you were the song

Since you and I had drifted apart
Life doesn't mean a thing to me
Please come back sweet music
I know I was wrong

Am I too late
To make amends
You know that we were meant to be
More than just friends, just friends

I let a song go out of my heart
Believe me darling when I say
I won't know sweet music
Until you return someday
-- Elington Duke

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Aye zindagi gale laga le

Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Hum Ne Bhi Tere Har Ik Gam Ko
Gale Se Lagaya Hai
Hai Na ?
Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Ae Jindgi

Hum Ne Bahane Se, Chhup Ke Jamane Se
Palkon Ke Parde Main Ghar Bhar Liya
Hum Ne Bahane Se, Chhup Ke Jamane Se
Palkon Ke Parde Main Ghar Bhar Liya
Tera Sahara Mil Gaya Hai Jindgi
La La Lala La La Lala La La La
Tera Sahara Mil Gaya Hai Jindgi

Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Hum Ne Bhi Tere Har Ik Gam Ko
Gale Se Lagaya Hai
Hai Na ?
Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Ae Jindgi

Chhota Sa Saya Tha, Aakhon Main Aaya Tha,
Humne Do Boondon Se Mann Bhar Liye
Chhota Sa Saya Tha, Aakhon Main Aaya Tha,
Humne Do Boondon Se Mann Bhar Liye
Humko Kinaara Mil Gaya Hai Jindgi
La La Lala La La Lala La La La
Humko Kinaara Mil Gaya Hai Jindgi

Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
La La Lala La La Lala La La La
Hain Na?
Ae Jindgi Gale Laga Le
Gale Laga Le
Gale Laga Le
Gale Laga Le
Ho, Gale Laga Le
-- Gulzaar

As time goes by

[This day and age we're living in
Gives cause for apprehension
With speed and new invention
And things like fourth dimension.

Yet we get a trifle weary
With Mr. Einstein's theory.
So we must get down to earth at times
Relax relieve the tension

And no matter what the progress
Or what may yet be proved
The simple facts of life are such
They cannot be removed.]

You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.

And when two lovers woo
They still say, "I love you."
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.

Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date.
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate.
Woman needs man
And man must have his mate
That no one can deny.

It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.

Oh yes, the world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.

-- Casablanca

Monday, July 28, 2008


dil huun huun kare, ghabraye
ghan dham dham kare, garajaye
ek boond kabhi paani ki
more ankhiyon se barasaye

teri jholi daaru, sab sukhi paat jo aaye
tera chhua lage, meri sukhi daal hariyaae
dil huun huun kare, ghabraye

jis tan ko chhuua tuune us tan ko chhupaauun
jis man ko laage nainaa, vo kisko dikhaauun
o mori chandramaa, teri chaandani ang jalaaye
uunchi tori ataarii, main ne pankh liye katavaae

dil huun huun kare, ghabaraae

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Angel of the morning

There’ll be no strings to bind your hands
Not if my love can find your heart
And there’s no need to take a stand
For it was I who choose to start
I see no need to take me home
I’m old enough to face the dawn

Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me
Oh my baby
Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Then slowly turn away from me

Maybe the sunlight will be dim
But it won’t matter anyhow
If morning’s echoes say we’ve sinned
Then it was what I wanted now
And if we’re victims of the night
I won’t be blinded by the light

Oh my baby
Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning
Then slowly turn away from me

Baby baby baby

Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me
Oh my baby
Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby
Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me
Oh my baby
Just call me angel of the morning, angel

- Bonnie Tyler

Let Her Cry

Let her cry

She sits alone by a lamppost
Trying to find a thought thats escaped her mind
She says dads the one I love the most
But stipes not far behind

She never lets me in
Only tell me wheres shes been
When shes had too much to drink
I say that I dont care I just run my hands
Through her dark hair and then I pray to god
You gotta help me fly away

And just...
Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

This morning I woke up alone
Found a note by the phone
Saying maybe, maybe Ill be back some day
I wanted to look for you
You walked in I didnt know just what I should do
So I sat back down and had a beer and felt sorry for

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

Last night I tried to leave
Cried so much I just
Could not believe
She was the same girl i
Fell in love with long ago
She went in the back to
Get high
I sat down on my couch
And cried
Yelling oh mama please
Help me
Wont you hold my hand.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

Let her cry...if the tears fall down like rain
Let her sing...if it eases all her pain
Let her go...let her walk right out on me
And if the sun comes up tomorrow
Let her be...let her be.

- Hootie and the Blowfish